La Cina in Italia, l’Italia in Cina: esperienze di formazione non convenzionale Events

  • 24.09.2015
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On Thursday, September 15th, 2015, the Italy China Foundation organized an event called “La Cina in Italia, l’Italia in Cina: esperienze di formazione non convenzionale” (China in Italy and Italy in China: non conventional trainingships experiences). Major topic of the event concerned the way of learning Chinese language and the possible methodologies that can be developed and exploited to get competences in Chinese language and culture.

The event testified the participation of people, mostly businessperson and professionals who are deeply interested in Chinese language and culture, with particular concern in Chinese business context.

Francesco Boggio Ferraris presented Chinese4Business project in beta version and explained the concept and the main functionalities of the outputs.

Considering the most of the participants were businessperson, the possibility of having a B2B platform available and for free raised much interest and the audience asked many questions about the release of the final version and the way of being updated about the availability of the B2B platform.

The audience was also informed that on 2016 there will be some seminars which will present all the functionalities of the project in each part (guide, language course, B2B platform and SAAS system).

Project 2014-1-PL01-KA200-003591