Language Course

坐公共汽车Travelling by bus


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Conversation 2

John gets to the bus stop and looks for information on the time and place of bus departure.

  • John Smith
    您好。 请问长途汽车时刻表在哪儿? Nín hǎo. Qǐng wèn cháng tú qìchē shíkè biǎo zài nǎr? Translate
  • Information desk
    在候车室。 Zài hòu chē shì. Translate
  • John Smith
    在哪儿乘车呢? Zài nǎr chéng chē ne? Translate
  • Information desk
    您要先在候车室检票, 再去乘车区乘车。 Nín yào xiān zài hòu chē shì jiǎn piào, zài qù chéng chē qū chéng chē. Translate
  • John Smith
    好的, 谢谢您。 Hǎo de, xièxiè nín. Translate
  • Information desk
    不客气。 Bú kèqi. Translate
Project 2014-1-PL01-KA200-003591