Language Course

谈判:供货条件Negotiating supply conditions


Chinese English
义务yìwù obligation
交货jiāo huò to deliver goods
关税guānshuì customs
建议jiànyì to propose; to suggest; suggestion
我方wǒ fāng our side
承担chéngdān to undertake
条款tiáokuǎn term
运输yùnshū transportation
送货sònghuò to deliver goods, shipping

Special Vocabulary

Chinese English
2010国际贸易术语解释通则 (2010通则)èr líng yī líng guójì màoyì shùyǔ jiěshì tōngzé (èr líng yī líng tōngzé) 2010 International Commercial Terms (Incoterms 2010)
到岸价(成本、保险费加运费)dào àn jià (chéng běn 、bǎo xiǎn fèi jiā yùn fèi) CIF / Cost Insurance Freight
卸货xiè huò unload
完税后交货wánshuì hòu jiāo huò DDP / Delivery Duty Paid
工厂交货gōngchǎng jiāo huò EXW
报关bào guān customs clearance
未完税交货wèiwán shuì jiāo huò DDU / Delivery Duty Unpaid
船上交货/离岸价chuán shàng jiāo huò /lí àn jià FOB / Free On Board
船边交货chuán biān jiāo huò FAS / Free Alongside Ship
运费yùnfèi freight
运输代理yùn shū dài lǐ forwarder

Useful Expressions and Phrases

Chinese English
我同意。Wǒ tóngyì. I agree.
我不同意。Wǒ bù tóngyì. I disagree.
我们不能接受。Wǒmen bú néng jiēshòu. We can't accept it.
Project 2014-1-PL01-KA200-003591